Seed therapy is complementary to sujok therapy. After acupressure treatment one can tie seeds, pulses and legumes at the treated point to supply extra life force to facilitate quick healing. Greengrams, kidney beans and peas are frequently used for treatment. In fact, suitable shape, size and color seeds or beans are picked, for example, for kidney treatment the same shape bean is selected. The selected ones are tied to the pain point with an adhesive plaster.
The book "Towel Twist" by Prof. Park Jae Woo is meant for all people who realize the necessity and usefulness of everyday work on their health but are not always capable of spending fifteen minutes for morning exercises. Performance of the exercises of the new energy gymnastics, which are presented in this book, permits to spare less time for exercises - no more than three minutes!!! While the effect of such time sparing training exceeds all expectations. The point is that the spiral energy net - the most important Neutro element of the energy system of the human body - is activated when the whole body or some its part are twisted. Making spiral twisting movements (twist motions), the human body achieves harmony and becomes filled with active Neutro energy. As a result, disease subside, the health recovers, good moods and well being are restored.Using a towel, which everybody has at home, one can obtain the necessary degree of twisting of various body parts, having a targeted and dosed therapeutic and health improving effect. The easy to use method of towel twist therapy is an important supplement to twist techniques presented in the books about Twist methods described before. So, twist for health!
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