"Five Faces of Darkness" is the five-part season premiere of the third season of the Generation 1 animated series. It was a direct sequel to the events of the animated movie, though none of the celebrity voice actors returned to their roles.
The Five Faces of Darkness: Part 1
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Five Faces of Darkness is the five-part season premiere of the third season of the G1 animated series. It was a direct sequel to the events of the animated movie, though none of the celebrity voice actors returned to their roles, except for John Moschitta and Susan Blu.
Auban was forced to look up. A crowd of young men of the jeunesse dorée were staggering out of the London Pavilion, whose gas torches scattered their streams of light over Piccadilly Circus. Their sole employment was only too plainly written on their dull, brutally debauched faces: sport, women, and horses. They were of course in full dress; but the tall hats were crushed in, and shirts, crumpled and soiled by whiskey and cigar ashes, furnished a conspicuous contrast to their black frock coats. With coarse laughter and cynical remarks some of them surrounded a few of the demi-monde, while the others called for hansoms, which speedily came driving up; the noisily protesting women were forced in, and the singing of the drunken men died away in the clatter of the departing cabs.
DIRKS: The screen flashes to five faces, those invited - all white faces. But the criticism around who got a seat at the table goes a lot deeper than just a lack of diversity. It's about what that lack can lead to.