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The Swoly Bible: The Bro Science Philosophy of Lifting, Eating, and Selfie-Taking

According to Dr. Jordan Peterson, myths are a road map for how to live a virtuous life. They show us how to live a good life, what is right and wrong, connect us with our humanity, and teach us lessons that science cannot.

The Swoly Bible: The Bro Science

Using a blend of science and theory with practical experience, The Power Primer 2.0 is designed to give you the ultimate results in the gym: A body that is bridges the gap between Athletics and Aesthetics.

In this episode I interview Andy Morgan of Andy is an online nutrition coach and trainer who helps people get ripped with no frustration. Andy is one of the best in the industry, backing himself up with the best science available then delivering programs to his clients that get amazing results. He is also one of the pioneers in creating a successful online business.

In this episode I interview JC Deen. JC is one of the smartest and most talented coaches in the online world. As he states on his website he takes a \\\"No BS-Approach to Looking Great Naked.\\\" His book Stay Leaner, Longer is one of the best books on habits, exercise, and nutrition with a good helping of great science that I have read in the last couple of years. He has a new book/program out and this time he designed something specifically for women. Hot Bod is his No-BS approach to women's fitness. He has developed a great product that not only provides amazing workouts but provides motivation and access to a community of peers going through the same program.

In this episode I interview Jason Maxwell of JMax Fitness. Jason went to school where he majored in aero space engineering and became a real rocket scientist. While in college he became a personal trainer and found that he wanted to help others achieve the physique/strength goals he had achieved. He started his blog as a side project but found that he connected with readers through it and decided to devote his time to the science of health and nutrition as opposed to rockets and Mars.

In this episode I interview Greg Nuckols. Greg was voted as one of the 5 fitness coaches taking the world by storm by Fitocracy earlier in 2014. Greg has held world records in powerlifting and has become known for his through use of science and data to back up his articles. As he says on his site: \\\"His passion is synthesizing scientific research and in-the-trenches experience to stay at the forefront of the strength game, and to become the best coach and athlete possible\\\". Greg has the mind of Bruce Banner, the strenght of the Hulk but has the temperment of a teddy bear. Not to mention one of the most glorious beards on Earth.

In this episode I chat with Joseph Brigleague of Brigleague Fitness. Joe, is currently in grad school for exercise science but we chat about how he has found time to stay sane with all the work and juggle clients, nutrition, sleep, and life. We discuss his training philosophy and how he works to teach habits and how to build them to achieve your goals. Also chat a little about his hate for running and his weakness of hitting the snooze button.

On December 10th, 2012, the BroScienceLife YouTube channel was created, in which the Mazzetti character delivers various comedic monologues about fitness-related topics. On December 17th, the first video was uploaded to the channel, in which Mazzetti defines the slang term "bro science" as pseudoscience promoted within various fitness communities (shown below, left). On Ocotber 15th, 2013, a video titled "How to Get Your Girlfriend to Start Lifting" was uploaded to the channel, which received more than 9.8 million views and 4,000 comments over the next three years (shown below, right). 2ff7e9595c

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